On the morning of December 2, 2019, Tan Son Nhat VIAGS solemnly held the periodic flag-raising ceremony in December at the A41 Multipurpose Building area. The ceremony was attended by the Board of Directors and staff from the Divisions and Centers of Tan Son Nhat VIAGS.

In the joyful atmosphere of the first working day of the month, Mr. Nguyen Vinh Hung - Deputy Director of VIAGS TSN - made preliminary assessments on the situation of production and business activities in November 2019, as well as reviewed the exciting activities at the company in the month such as organizing the Gratitude Ceremony for teachers on the occasion of Vietnamese Teachers' Day - November 20; Attending the Defense Practice of Vietnam Aviation Corporation in 2019; Attending the VIAGS Services Conference 2019; Completing the organization the travel programs in 2019 for employees of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat. The Deputy Director also implemented the key task in December, completed the review of production and business activities in 2019, at the same time reviewed and prepared resources to ensure the work for the end of the year and the upcoming peak of Tet holiday.

At this Flag Ceremony, on behalf of the Organizing Board, VIAGS Tan Son Nhat organized the awarding ceremony of the 1st contest "VIAGS 24/7 video clip production" in 2019 for the winning works of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat's staff. From 30 video clips sent by VIAGS’ staff of 3 regions in 8 weeks, VIAGS Tan Son Nhat was honored to win 04 awards, including 02 first prizes of the week, final first prize and third prize of the News category.
- The video "The silent love" by the authors of the Customer Airlines Services Center won the first prize in the 8th week and the final first prize in the News category.
- The video "Honesty - beautiful virtues in labor" by the authors of the Department of Administrative Organization won the first prize in the 1st week and the final third prize in the News category.

Closing the ceremony was an activity to honor individuals who excellent completed their missions in November, as a recognition for the positive contributions of staff in the flight services of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat.

Customer Airlines Services Center and Passenger Services Center of VNA

Operating Center, Ramp Services Center and Cabin Clean Services Center

Administrative Office Department