On the occasion of the International Women's Day on March 8th, VIAGS 3 regions organized a series of activities and events to congratulate this special day.
The delegation is headed by VIAGS General Director, VIAGS Trade Union President, Chief Executive Officer and heads of units and employees of CQ directly to the working position of the sisters to give flowers.
Special performances at VIAGS TSN.
The Party Committee, the VIAGS TSN Board of Directors presents the gifts to the representatives of the sister branch.
Busy atmosphere in the Spring Festival on March 8 at VIAGS NBA
The VIAGS NBA radiant sister in spring 2018.
Bustling atmosphere at NBA.
Bouquet of flowers for VIAGS NBA aircraft cleaning staff. VIAGS 'excellent and talented teams competed in beautiful products.
Lively atmosphere, excited at the congratulation program 8/3 at VIAGS DAD.
Give flowers, gifts to representatives of women VIAGS DAD

Pink roses given to the VIAGS's female staffs on March 8.
All VIAGS's female staffs in particular and VNA in general are always beautiful, successful and happy.
Vân Hà - VIAGS