The flag ceremony is a regular activity held by VIAGS Tan Son Nhat every Monday in the area of A41- Multi-purpose Building. This morning's ceremony took place on the first day of July with the participation of the Board of Directors and employees from VIAGS Tan Son Nhat’s Departments and Centers.

In the cheerful atmosphere of the working day at the beginning of the week, presiding over the flag ceremony, Deputy Director Nguyen Vinh Hung reviewed 02  Safety Awards of 2018, the Global Service Quality Award received by VIAGS Tan Son Nhat in June from a 4-star China Southern Airlines – the third largest airline in the world –  a major partner of VIAGS. The award has leaded to a series of achievements of the company this year, which is the motivation for all employees to continue to strive and promote the collective strength to complete business tasks.


In addition, the Deputy Director had basic assessments on production and business activities in June 2019. With the current fluctuating aviation industry situation, the Deputy Director emphasized that all employees must pay attention to ensuring absolute safety and security for flights, strictly abide by the procedures and internal rules and avoid errors that affect business results. The incident related to the safety of equipment operation in the month occurred as a valuable lesson to all VIAGS Tan Son Nhat employees about the staff's high focus in their work, being reasonable in assigning tasks, ensuring procedures and regulations, especially when July is coming - the main time of summer peak every year, when the number of flights and passengers increases sharply compared to weekdays.

After the review from the Board of Directors is an activity to honor individuals who successfully completed the tasks in June, as a recognition for the positive contributions of employees in the business activities of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat.

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Vietnam Airport Ground Services Company Limited (VIAGS) is established on 01/01/2016 on the basis of merging three ground service providers Noi Bai, Da Nang and Tan Son Nhat.