VIAGS Tan Son Nhat rewards for Good People - Good Work

In the morning of 01/6/2018, at the meeting room of the 4th floor - Vietnam Airport Ground Services Company, Tan Son Nhat VIAGS held the Ceremony Praise, reward good people Good things in the week meeting.


Attending the ceremony were Mr. Bui Duc Thanh - Secretary of Party Committee / Director, Mr. Pham Phu Yen - Deputy Secretary of Party Committee / Deputy Director and Mr. Nguyen Vinh Hung - Chairman of Union Trade Union / Deputy Director The departments, centers and in particular the presence of Mr. Vo Xuan Quy - Team Leader and Mr. Nguyen Tran Hoang Nam - Staff of Onboard Service Team at VIAGS Tan Son Nhat Cruise Service Center are 02 examples. good people are praised

Mr. Bui Duc Thanh - Director of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat gave a letter of appreciation and praise to Mr. Quy and Mr. Nam for their achievements in detecting, quickly delivering the forgotten passengers on the flight, helping to timely payment to customers over 80 million in cash, 04 hard cards, 01 driver's license and many other valuable items. Mr. Vo Xuan Quy with impressive numbers: "225 times" and Nguyen Tran Hoang Nam with 28 times picked up, returned property for passengers abandoned from 2017 to now is worthy of typical for example mirror good The good for all staffs to learn and promote.

Director of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat gave a letter to Mr. Vo Xuan Quy - Head of Onboard Service Team, Onboard Service Center

The Director of VIAGS Tan Son gave a letter of appreciation to Nguyen Tran Hoang Nam,

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Bui Duc Thanh - Secretary of Party Committee / Director of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat warmly praised the spirit of work, honesty and sense of discipline of two staffs of Service Team Ship - Ship Center. He wishes the good examples as well as the good qualities of the two he will promote more in the collective in response to the trust of customers and help to confirm the quality of service that VIAGS Tan Son Nhat is providing.


VIAGS Board Tan Son Nhat photographed with individuals mirror good people Good Jobs

Organizing and rewarding examples of good people Good deeds are an indispensable culture in the activities of enterprises in general and VIAGS Tan Son Nhat in particular. In addition to the purpose of encouraging the working spirit of individuals and groups, the Board of Directors expects all staffs to realize that every effort to contribute and make efforts in flying service is always mind, recognition and appreciation.


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Vietnam Airport Ground Services Company Limited (VIAGS) is established on 01/01/2016 on the basis of merging three ground service providers Noi Bai, Da Nang and Tan Son Nhat.