In the joy of starting a new working week, on the morning of July 6, 2020, at the A41 Multi-function Building, VIAGS Tan Son Nhat held the first flag raising ceremony after the Covid-19 epidemic is under controlled. The ceremony was attended by the Board of Directors and staff from VIAGS Tan Son Nhat Departments and Centers and VIAGS Equipment Repair and Maintenance Center. 

Overview of the July flag-raising ceremony

Deputy General Director / Director of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat Bui Duc Thanh presided over the July flag raising ceremony.

Presiding over the July flag-raising ceremony, Mr. Bui Duc Thanh - Deputy General Director of VIAGS / VIAGS Tan Son Nhat Director - summarized the production and business activities of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat in the difficult context due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. Right from the beginning, the leaders of the unit directed to prioritize the implementation of measures to protect health and safety, in parallel with the implementation of policies to ensure minimum income for employees.       

In recent years, the Corporation, the Company and Branch have implemented many programs and solutions to ensure the availability of the system, seek opportunities to increase revenue, and ensure jobs for employees.

The Deputy General Director also reviewed some major activities of the Branch such as successfully organizing the Party Congress at all levels of VIAGS; Worker Month action programs, care for employees; the active activities of Trade Union and Youth Union in participating in and winning many high prizes for programs of Vietnam Airlines Corporation: VNAerATHOME, VNA Got Talents, ...  

At the end of the flag-raising ceremony, the Deputy General Director implemented a number of key tasks in July and the third quarter, calling for all employees to reach out to join forces to overcome the difficult period caused by the epidemic, especially preparing resources for the Summer Peak, ensuring absolute security and safety, maintaining service quality in flight services.

Some pictures of ceremony:

Operation Center

Apron Service Center

Cabin Cleaning Service Center

Offices Center

Passenger Service Center

VIAGS Equipment Repair and Maintenance Center

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Vietnam Airport Ground Services Company Limited (VIAGS) is established on 01/01/2016 on the basis of merging three ground service providers Noi Bai, Da Nang and Tan Son Nhat.