Expressing the moral "Drinking water, remember the source", on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the War Invalids of Martyrs (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2019), Vietnam Airport Ground Services Company, VIAGS Tan Son Nhat organized a meeting and gave the gifts to Officers - Staff (employees) who are wounded soldiers and relatives of martyrs working at VIAGS Tan Son Nhat on the morning of July 25, 2019.

Unique flute repertoire "Dat nuoc tron niem vui"

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Tran Dinh Tao - Deputy Secretary of the VIAGS Party Committee, towards VIAGS Tan Son Nhat was the presence of the Board of Directors, Heads of units, Executive Committee of the Cell Youth Union, and the Youth Union Executive Committee, and especially, 05 war invalids and relatives of martyrs are currently working at VIAGS Tan Son Nhat.

In the intimate atmosphere of the meeting, on behalf of leaders and employees, Mr. Bui Duc Thanh - Party Secretary, Director of VIAGS Tan Son Nhat - had emotional sharing and expressed his deep gratitude for the sacrifices of previous generation for national independence. They fought and sacrificed for our Fatherland to be independent, freedom, united and our people forever endure. Their immortal spirit, their shining example, will live forever with the Vietnamese people.

For many years, our Party Committee and State have always been taken care in leading and directing the work of taking care of war invalids, martyrs and people with meritorious services to the revolution. Implementing that policy, VIAGS Tan Son Nhat’s Party Committee directs units / centers, trade unions, and Youth Union to actively participate and be responsible for the meritorious work, support the fund "Gratitude "with specific actions; create conditions for war invalids, relatives of martyrs' families and people with meritorious deeds to promote the will of self-reliance, overcome difficulties, actively work and build the country.

On behalf of employees who are relatives of martyrs' families, Mr. Le Dinh Chinh - Deputy Head, Apron Service Center - thanked VIAGS's leaders for policy families, continuing the tradition of family to actively strive further to contribute to the development of the Company as well as the overall development of the country.

The war is over, but it is impossible to erase the pain and the lost of the war. Each action, the meaning of gratitude, every word of encouragement and visitation is an invaluable gift, the hearts of the generations today are for those who have sacrificed for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland. July 27 is the occasion for today's generation to always insist, be proud, always pay attention to the gratitude for meritorious people and policy families in society.

In the series of activities "Gratitude", VIAGS TSN organized the program “return to the roots” in the homeland of President Ho Chi Minh. Leading the delegation was Mr. Bui Duc Thanh, Party Secretary - Director - Head of VIAGS TSN Military Command, and Mr. Nguyen Vinh Hung, Deputy Director - Chairman of the Cell Trade Union, and Party members, representative of the Cell Trade Union, Youth Union, Military Command Board of Vietnam Airport Ground Service Company - Tan Son Nhat Branch.


During the trip “return to the roots”, the delegation visited the Vietnam - Laos international cemetery in Anh Son district, Nghe An province, resting place of nearly 11,000 heroic martyrs on the Laos battlefield in 2 wars, of which 2/3 is an unknown martyr with no name, homeland ...At the memorial, VIAGS TSN staff incensed in the emotion and respect of the great martyrs who fell down for national independence.

The members of the delegation also came to offer flowers, incensed to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh - the great leader of the Vietnamese nation - at Kim Lien relic area (Kim Lien commune, Nam Dan district, Nghe An). In the infinite gratitude, the delegation promised always study and follow his moral and style example, striving for national renewal, construction and defense.

Here, the delegation continued to visit the wells, banyan trees, temple of Sen village and especially the cottage of the Junior Doctor Nguyen Sinh Sac – Uncle Ho's father, the place of Uncle Ho's childhood, also originated for a patriotism and great thought of the national hero later.

On this occasion, the delegation also visited and gave the gifts to Vietnamese Heroic Mother Tran Thi Sau in Trung Thuan hamlet, Hung Dong commune, Vinh city, Nghe An province. Mother Tran Thi Sau, 96 years old, has two sons who are martyrs: Nguyen Xuan Loi and

Nguyen Xuan Vinh who fought and sacrificed to defend their homeland in the Southern battlefield, a lost daughter, currently Mother Tran Thi Sau is living with a daughter who is nearly 70 years old and away from home to take care of her mother.

Visiting the health and the scene of Mother Tran Thi Sau, Comrade Bui Duc Thanh shared the lost sacrifices for the country’s independence of Mother, the gratitude for the heroic martyr's sacrifice for the cause fighting for national independence. At the same time, encourage mother's spirit, hope that she will live happily and well to witness the change of the day and hour of the locality and the country. The director on behalf of the delegation sent to the mother the amount of VND 10 million.

Accompanying with the Party Committee of Vietnam Airport Ground Service Company - Tan Son Nhat Branch, on the occasion of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day, the Party Committees and Branches have organized programs “return to the roots” at Nga Ba Giong relic, Hoc Mon district and Ben Duoc temple - Cu Chi District.

Nga Ba Giong relic is a place to memorize the spirit of intense brave fighting of soldiers who died in the Nam Ky Uprising led by the Indochinese Communist Party. At Nga Ba Giong Martyrs Memorial Monument, the Party members of Center for Passenger Services had incensed to express their respect for the generosity of the father's generation who have sacrificed their blood for the peace of homeland.

On the same occasion, the Party Committee of the Operations Center had made a trip to the Ben Duoc Martyrs Memorial Monument where 44,752 heroes and martyrs have been fighting and sacrificing for the revolutionary cause of national liberation. The members of the delegation incensed and spent a minute of mindfulness, remembrance of President Ho Chi Minh - the honored father of the nation and expressing immeasurable gratitude to the heroic martyrs who lay down for freedom, independence of the Fatherland.

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Vietnam Airport Ground Services Company Limited (VIAGS) is established on 01/01/2016 on the basis of merging three ground service providers Noi Bai, Da Nang and Tan Son Nhat.