Deploying Party Committee resolutions and trade union work plan VIAGS strives to implement the objective of "Changing thinking, speeding up development" of the unit in 2019. Propagating about the sea and islands of Vietnam is a special task, long-term, complex, and urgent nature of the party committees, authorities, unions, has important implications for politics, economy, society, defense, security and the foreign country.

On June 5, 2019, at the president of the 6th floor of VAECO Party Committee and VIAGS trade union held a conference to disseminate Vietnamese Sea and Islands in 2019 with the aim of helping employees more deeply aware of the standing leadership. good and wise of the Party and President of Ho Chi Minh ... Since then, every employee has been more proud to be responsible to inherit and promote revolutionary spirit of his father's advance in implementing the national defense. and International integration. Practical implementation of the implementation of the Resolution of the 12th Party Congress, Party Committee Resolution in building and developing enterprises in 2019.


Attending the study tour in Noi Bai area with Mr. Tran Dinh Tao, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee VIAGS; Mr. Vu Xuan Chinh, Chairman of VIAGS Trade Union; Mr.Nguyen Thanh Tuan, former Director of the Propaganda Department of the General Department of Politics - Ministry of Defense. On the side of the Branch, there were Mr. Nguyen Van Dung, Secretary of Party Committee - Director of VIAGS NBA and all 106 comrades being the Party Committee, leaders of rooms / centers, team officials and experts of the agency in branch.

The conference included Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tuan, former Director General of the Propaganda Department of the General Department of Politics - Ministry of Defense, on the importance and strategic position of the South China Sea in protecting sovereignty. and exploiting the marine economic potential.


At the meeting, Mr.Tran Dinh Tao, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee VIAGS thoroughly grasped the conference on learning new contents in Decree 149/2018 / ND-CP on the implementation of the Grassroots Democracy Regulation at the workplace and Responsibility of Secretary of Party Committee in receiving employees to directly talk to employees and handle feedbacks and complaints of employees. After more than 4 hours of serious work, the conference was a great success. On the basis of comprehending the contents of learning at all levels of committees, unit leaders and Executive Boards at all levels by union in all forms of extensive propaganda to all employees.

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