VIAGS Noi Bai urgently handles baggages of isolated passengers

From February 26, 2020 to now, due to the increasingly complicated tendency of COVID -19 disease outbreak all over the world, the Government of Vietnam requires all passengers to stay in intensive isolation for 14 days. This has led to a dramatic increase in the number of luggage of isolated passengers at Noi Bai airport. Identifying and separating luggage transferred to the right passengers at the right places is challenging and complicated task for VIAGS Noi Bai in recent days.

All staffs of Arrival & Transfer Passeger Services section - VIAGS Noi Bai Passenger Service Center have made every effort, in collaboration with the representatives of the airlines, International medical quarantine, Customs of Noi Bai airport  to check luggage information for delivering to passengers. With unexpectedly changing flight schedule, information must be updated frequently that demand high sensitivity and flexibility of management levels. In order to handles a large number of unclaimed luggage, it requires a close coordination and support between various units.

The Board of Directors of VIAGS Noi Bai and the Passenger Services Center have always closely follow the situation to allocate human resources for monitoring, sorting, luggage belt clearance in order to return to passengers. This is a proof for the dedication, devotion to customers service quality of VIAGS Noi Bai in general and Passenger Service Center in particular.

However, a large number of unclaimed luggages still remains, so we have to update frequently on baggage tracing network. Many staffs have to work overtime and coordinate with airlines representatives for soonest luggage returning.

Understanding the uncomfortable situation of passengers, VIAGS Noi Bai with the spirit of "all for customers" and the wholehearted attempt, hoping that soon delivering the luggage would reduce passengers' worries when performing concentrated isolation as prescribed.


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Vietnam Airport Ground Services Company Limited (VIAGS) is established on 01/01/2016 on the basis of merging three ground service providers Noi Bai, Da Nang and Tan Son Nhat.