VIAGS deploys NQ TW6 and summaries leadership in 2017


From February 1 to 2, 2018, VIAGS party committee held a meeting in three areas: Noi Bai, Da Nang, Tan Son Nhat to thoroughly understand Resolution TW6 (12) of the Party, total Leadership Task Force in 2017 - Mission deployment in 2018.

Implementing the program of action of the Party Committee of the Party and the program of action of the Party Committee of the VIAGS Company on the organization of the Central Resolution 6 (12th) of the Party, from 1-2 February 2018, Party VIAGS has held a conference of Party in three areas Noi Bai, Da Nang, Tan Son Nhat.

The conference aimed to thoroughly grasp the resolution of the Party Central Committee's TW6, summing up the leadership in 2017 - deploying tasks in 2018 with the participation of 625 cadres of Party committees at all levels, party members, officers from the senior level and Member of the Executive Committee of the Trade Union, Youth Union.


Mr. Le Cao The - Party Secretary, General Director of VIAGS directly deployed TW6 in the branch of TSN and the Agency.

On 01/2 Mr. Nguyen Quang Son, UVB, head of the Party Committee's Propaganda Department, Deputy General Director of the Company directly deployed the National Target Program TW6, 12th at Noi Bai branch, February 1-2, 2018, Comrade Le Cao The Secretary of Party Committee, General Director of VIAGS directly deployed NQ TW6 course 12 at Tan Son Nhat Branch - Corporate Unit and Da Nang Branch.

Mr. Le Cao The - Party Secretary, General Director VIAGS directly deployed NQ TW6 (course 12) at the branch DN.

At the meeting, party secretary Le Cao The and Member of the Standing Committee Nguyen Quang Son on behalf of the Party Committee of the company awarded certificates of merit to 05 collectives and 27 party members have completed excellent tasks year 2017.

Mr. Nguyen Quang Son sent greetings and gifts to collectives and individuals at VIAGS NB.


At the Conference, Mr. Le Cao The - Secretary of Party Committee, General Director of VIAGS and Mr. Nguyen Quang Son directly implemented the service of high moon festival in Lunar New Year 2018, send greetings to all staff VIAGS and VIAGS staffs are especially difficult to visit.

Vân Hà - VIAGS

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Vietnam Airport Ground Services Company Limited (VIAGS) is established on 01/01/2016 on the basis of merging three ground service providers Noi Bai, Da Nang and Tan Son Nhat.